Originally Posted By: Birchwood

Jim, I knew you would like protest songs. At least it would have amazed me if you didn't. And I know that there are more and more sollutions for environmental issues, as you wrote. But I wasn't singing about that. The song is about the mentality of decision makers in a lot of important countries. They give the impression not to be willing to act on those problems. They deny them, or delay implementation of sollutions. Probably because it brings danger to economic growth. That was why I compared it with those weapos that can destroy our planet. buying them is never a problem. In Dutch the title 'would have been 'Al dat geklets, meaning All that banter'(but in 'flatter' language)

You've got my number Hans...
I love protest songs.
But sometimes the issues are so thorny
With nothing seemingly being done
So all we can do is cry
And write & sing songs of protest...

I don't think we will ever see our elected officials
Create agendas which will lead to solutions...
Their job is to get themselves elected again
So they can't afford to do anything that's radical.

So I wrote "take heart"
Changes will have to come from common folk
Like you & me & those unsung scientists
That come up with solutions which will work!
