

First off, welcome to the BIAB forum—it’s great to have you on board. I didn’t hear the original version, but the remix sounds pretty good. Would love to see the lyrics to this one, only because there some good lines in there. I had to laugh at playing baseball with a “ball made for tennis”. Brings back memories!

The production has a couple of spots I think you can tighten up—really just balancing the instrumentals with the vocals. For example, in the beginning when the electric guitar comes in, for me, just a tad too abrupt . . . and the vocals in the chorus, particularly in the second chorus, just a touch too forward in the mix. It’s the hardest part for me in any song I do—and drives me totally batty, and I never think I ever quite get it right . . . and to boot, it’s subjective . . . so go with what you think works in the end. Just a couple of thoughts.

You’ve got a good song here. Keep polishing.

Again, welcome to BIAB. I’ll look forward to hearing more from you.

Kind regards,
