Try this for a free option
so put the .dll in your 64 bit vst plugins folder and the vst3 in you VST3 folder.
Load KV_ElementFX.dll into a BB audio/realtrack or KV_Element.dll into a BB midi track.
Both will load/Drag n Drop a vst2 or vst3 FX or instrument.
You can chain as many FX and Instruments as you like.
Ctrl+click remove connections.
Once hooked up Save Group.
EXT for host input: (sync,midi)though there is a sync issue with BB at the moment that needs fixing.
This way you can send the output of Ezkeys to Sforzando and use one of the Biab Instruments or another vst instrument like Kontakt.
Send midi output from ChordPotion to another instrument.
This will also let you have the VST gui free of the confines of the Biab VST window, having all available to edit at the same time.
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