
Hi All,
Regarding copyright:
It would be a great shame to miss hearing some of the great covers and their own songs by Wiz and other members which got me thinking that it might be a suggestion to have a seperate forum or forum section where all members could post their efforts in one place for all to hear and easily find. I'm sure I have missed a lot of songs that have been posted.
Regards, Jeff.

True, it's a shame.. but the shame is on the copyright lawyers who diligently monitor places like this looking for people to make examples of. The interesting thing is that many of the positive comments about Wiz's song(s) have been about what he did DIFFERENTLY than the original. Those same techniques could just as easily been applied to his own song.

Rather than fighting an uphill battle to get permission to post covers, I would rather see us all take the same Path PGMusic took when they were taken to task for their JAZZ GUITARIST program years ago (which featured actual copyrighted songs). They responded by creating styles that SOUND LIKE well known songs, but which lack the characteristic riffs. It was a great compromise, because it avoided legal bruhaha while allowing PGMusic to continue offering a great product.

I challenge all of us to take Wiz's "deviation from a theme" to the next level and base an idea on an actual song, but change the words and melody (the only parts that can be legally protected)

The results would be even cooler because the song will be yours. I even think it would be OK to say the song is "influenced by the Beatles' WHILE MY GUITAR GENTLY WEEPS"

At this point, Wiz could keep the whole song as is and replace the vocal track with a new melody and end up with a song that nobody could hassle him about.