Originally Posted By: dcuny
Late to this party, cool song.

The mix was pleasant and clear, but it sounded it was mixed by the band's guitarist, if that makes sense. The guitar seemed to have a more prominent place in the mix than the vocal.

Nice vocals by Robert - good emoting, I loved the growl he added. A bit of a Talking Heads vibe, in a good way.

Thanks David for checking out the song. Appreciate the comments regarding the mix. Since Robert and I have been collaboration I have been playing in behind his vocals. With this mix I was concentrating on machine sure there was good separation and clarity with all the instruments on the track. The idea behind it being that all together the formed a single unit but if you concentrated on a specific area you could pick out the kick or hit hat or high melody in the background. The guitars are panned quite far away from the vocal so may have focus a little more in this area.

Glad you liked the song

Scott Collingwood