Originally Posted By: eddie1261
Notes, that diet is only a tiny bit restrictive in my eyes, as the bottom half makes up 65% of what I currently eat. I have a few things to eliminate from the top section and we'll be in sync. I'll miss chicken breast (always been a breast man!) but if I can have the full use of my ring finger back at some point it will be worth it. <...snip...).

Let me know how that works for you.

I love chicken and egg yolks, but they are the things that bother me the most. I don't eat them anymore cry I can eat some of the nighshades with no problem, but Leilani cannot.

The low glycemic part didn't bother me because I'm a very low-carb eater anyway (<20/day). I do miss macaroni and bread but I enjoy being pain free. I don't eat Oatmeal or any bread as they push my carb limit. I'd rather use my carb ration for something healthier.

My neighbor was walking her dog and hobbling with a cane. Arthritis in her knees was her answer when I asked. I gave her the diet. In less than a month she was walking the dog without the cane and with a lively step.

A few months later she started walking with the cane again, when I asked her if the diet quit working, she said she quit the diet because she just couldn't give up gator-aid, apples, pasta and a few other high-carb foods. Oh well, to each their own.

My wife has had spectacular results with the diet, as well as a few others I shared it on-line with.

I know everybody's different, and if one diet was best for everyone, there would only need to be one diet book.

I suggest people try this strictly for a month and see if they improve. Of course if you have compromised health or are unsure, check with your doctor first. I don't think this will hurt anyone who is healthy, but I'm not a doctor so I don't know your situation nor am I qualified to give a professional opinion.

If that doesn't work, and if calcium deposits are the problem the PEMFT loosens the calcium since it is paramagnetic, and if you follow it with copious amounts of water it washes the calcium away. The devices are expensive (about $500). I bought one for my mother-in-law who had Parkinson's (it helps that too) and inherited it decades later when she died.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

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