Originally Posted By: Matt Finley
Bob, do you have a link to research these devices? I didn't fare well trying to find them. I have arthritis in a few fingers enough to have to sell my Mark V tenor.

From the NIH




And others at the National Institute of Health's PubMed site

Plus these





And plenty more. They even use PEMFT on race horses because it keeps their joints healthy and lets them race extra years and still win.

From what I learned PEMFT works with Parkinson's (where I discovered it), Arthritis and a couple of other diseases. My Mother-in-law who had Parkinson's Disease went to a clinic and it helped. We talked to the owner a lot and he relayed a lot of info.

The drive was about an hour each way and it became a problem so Ernie at the clinic told us what to look for in home devices: the strongest square wave, north polarity, low frequency device I could find. He said for arthritis, put the magnet near the joint for at least a half hour, flex the joint if possible, and then drink a lot of water to flush the calcium out.

I ended up get her an EarthPulse.

Now once you buy an EarthPulse they make you an affiliate and give you about $100 reward for selling one. I have no intention of selling these devices so if anyone wants one, I can get you in on the "friends and family" plan, I make nothing and you get the commission in the form of a discount.

I think they give you a 90 day trial (they did when I bought one for Mother In Law) and if you don't like it, you deal with them, not me. I'm just passing on the offer as a favor.

The device I bought is marketed as a sleep aid, to get around FDA testing which pumps the price up, so this is about half the price of devices that aren't that strong. But a magnetic square wave at the same power and frequency is no different - Ernie at the PEMFT clinic approved my choice.

I have Version 4, still working. If I were to try this for arthritis only I'd get the Version 6 lite but with the more expensive magnet or the V6 Basic. Your discount comes to about $100.00


I'd try the diet first, because it's free. I'd be strict with the diet, half-stepping does no good (doctor's recommendation to me).

Of course you could do both.

Remember, I'm no doctor (and I don't even play one on TV), I don't know your current state of health, and even if I did, I'm not qualified to give an expert medical opinion. I'm just offering lay-person advice. Do your own research or check with your doc.


Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks