Originally Posted By: Planobilly
Pro Tools is great for tracking live stuff. Not so good for creating new music...just my opinion.

Well, that's an apples to garden hoes comparison anyway, as Pro Tools doesn't "create" anything. If the players are ready to create, Pro Tools is the fo'shizzle. If the players have no idea what they are doing, you aren't ready to be in the studio yet and unless you have Warren Buffet kind of money to waste to get together and just play whatever, don't book the time.

If you DO have Warren Buffet kind of money, waste it on me instead of studio time! PM me for my address!! And I WILL take a check!!

On topic, BIAB is extremely difficult for a newb. Those overblown claims that you don't have to know anything about music to just sit down and write songs are extreme over-hype.

Imagine this conversation.

"You just have to enter your chords in."
"What's a chord?"
It's the notes in the scale of the key you are playing in."
"Notes? Scales? Key? Huh?"
"You know. A chord. Like a major is 1-3-5."
"!, 3 and 5 of what?"
"The steps in the scale."
"What's a scale?"

Then try to explain time signatures. "4/4? For for what?"

You see the ridiculousness in that but it makes a point. You can't describe red as "the color of an apple" to a blind person who has never seen an apple.

This software is very hard to just sit down with and use it.

Last edited by eddie1261; 09/12/20 10:06 AM.

I am using the new 1040XTRAEZ form this year. It has just 2 lines.

1. How much did you make in 2023?
2. Send it to us.