Originally Posted By: bobcflatpicker
Why don't outstanding musicians and vocalist's get national or worldwide attention?

Largely because outstanding to you and outstanding to me are not necessarily the same.

Does John Q. Public even have the capacity to understand when they're hearing something exceptional? Or do they just respond to a drum machine and a synthesized handful of notes accompanied by a pitch corrected voice "singing" repetitive lyrics?

See above. Not everybody thinks the drum machine and pitch correction is the antichrist. I once had a band leader who was a luddite when it came to technology. He used to rant against drum machines, going on and on about how they sound too "sterile". Then we needed a drummer. Know what the primary requisite was? "Has to be able to keep perfect time." Well, what keeps more perfect time than a computer clock chip that CAN'T drift out of time?

Does it take a hot female singer in a skimpy outfit "twerking" or a handsome square jawed dude in a cowboy hat?

Yep. People hear with their eyes first. Janis Joplin was that last truly ugly star.

Would the American public recognize talent if it bit them on the a*s?

Nope. People agree with whatever the media shoves down their throat. You just need to look around at the world right now. How many people still say "the Russians hacked the election in 2016". Then ask them "HOW did they do that?" They have no idea, but the liberal media told them that it was true, so it became true. Just like the popular anti 2A arguments that discount ANY fact that doesn't fit their agenda. I have a rifle and 4 handguns. None of them have ever left the house on their own and shot someone. Nor has my car left the garage on his own and run anybody over. But the heavily left slanted media says things are so, and they become so. The same thing applies for performing artists. We get who the A&R people at the labels say we get. Self produced and indie people don't have a chance of ever playing the Enormodome that they travel to in their plane unless they cozy up to the right people, and that takes them out of the indie area when they align with a label.

Take a minute and visit the home page of Anne DeChant and take a listen. She is an UBER talented writer and singer, but only by word of mouth will people ever hear of her. Particularly listen to Sunday Morning Drive, Water In Whiskey, Swing and Running Red Lights. They are outstanding songs. (You can probably also find them on youtube. ) It's hard to find studio versions on youtube though. She is on her 6th CD and tours the southeast when Covid allows, but only by fans who tell fans will she become more popular.

And that's really the state of music anymore.

To the original question, it depends what your goal is. I was in a band that never got out of the basement. We were a really good Stevie Nicks copy band, but trying to market that was a nightmare, so it just went away. The other 4 people continued on but as just another bar band, playing for wives, girlfriends and friends of the family. That wasn't my goal, so I did not continue with them. It had potential to be at "House Of Blues" and "Hard Rock Cafe" level, but never Enormodome, not playing other people's music.

Last edited by eddie1261; 09/26/20 07:48 AM.

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