Luck, right place at the right time all these are good answers. Some people don't know how to get this attention. Some don't want to do what it takes. There is a lot of things you have to be willing to give up or go without or sacrifice and many just won't do it. Saw a great Tommy Emmanuel interview once where he talked about being a child and wanting to be "up there" as he pointed to an imaginary stage. He wanted it so bad that he did everything in his power to get it and sacrificed pretty much everything in his life to get it as well. Now is he world famous? Not exactly. Guitarists know him, guitar lovers know him but you could probably mention him to a number of people who would answer with "who?". But he gets to make a living playing the guitar and writing songs. And to hear him tell it, it is a pretty good living. In his 60's now and 2018 or 2019 were his busiest years ever he says.

The people who can make it happen for someone with talent, won't even look at you unless you are already pretty successful, with a following and almost a guarantee that you can fill a place up consistently. Money talks as they say.

Just my 2 cents.

My wife asked if I had seen the dog bowl. I told her I didn't even know he could.