Originally Posted By: CaptainMoto
Well now!
That was bizarre.

Video is certainly compelling and the music is snappy and punchy.
I'm not sure they go together though.
Watching gave an uneasy feeling of dissonance.
If that was the intent, job well done.


Hi, Moto. Thanks for giving the video a watch/listen. I only had a few hours to turn in my project to my Facebook songwriting group, and many elements in the lyrics suggested Orpheus to me, and this was an easy way to get a cool video together for the group. I think the original movie is pretty dissonant, so perhaps some of that is coming through. Also, my cut of the movie was pretty rushed, so the scenes might not fit the lyrics as well as I'd like. Thanks for bringing up the dissonance though. I'll definitely keep that in mind when I post a new version of the song. I'm glad you found the music snappy and punchy. Thanks again for watching and for your helpful comments. Cheers, Todd