Originally Posted By: HearToLearn
I know I, and I believe others, have mentioned that you sound like a band. Every time I listen to your music I get the strongest imagery in my head of "your band." I mean, it's SO vivid I almost feel as though I have actually seen you three (and additional players) playing in this club. I have that to some extent with others; but yours really brings me there.

I've come to the realization that it's a combo of how everything is performed and then the treatment of that performance that gives it that realism. The authenticity also helps smile

Great song. Next time we go, I'll buy you a round of whatever you all are having. Thanks for sharing this!

You absolutely nailed what we strive to achieve ... a live band sound. Our goal is a production that would allow the listener to feel they were in the middle third row (or a middle table) listening to a 4-5 piece group and hearing nothing that couldn’t be achieved on stage. At the least it keeps our mixes simple smile. Thanks so much for making us feel we achieved that goal!!