Originally Posted By: PeterF

Heard both versions - prefer the 2nd one, has a very evocative 70's singer songwriter vibe (albeit written I think in 1969).

Lovely performance, and an appealing song from an earlier time.


Peter - I agree - the new mix was the right way to go - the drums were simply a wrong thing to add (as was the "over-done" harmonies). Just goes to show it's a good idea to let a song sit for a while to get the kinks out... Thanks for the nice words...

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
14 eh? Bud was 65 before he wrote and it shows smile

50 years is a long time at that craft and the more we learn about what you were doing earlier the more remarkable the consistently high level of writing over those years becomes. Wish I could have periodically gone through your garbage -- I'd have a catalog to be proud of!

Well you can certainly be 20 and have these feelings but the ability to express them via a lovely song write is allocated to a select few.

As Janice said, "it is beautifully sung and I like the sparse band." Add the fine lyric and production to that and the bases are pretty much covered.



Thanks, y'all! 50 years. Were does the time go?? There's always something to write about - and, of course, when you start is irrelevant. You've got a knack for it - so keep 'em coming!

Originally Posted By: Leon1
Hi Floyd
While I've heard only the second version, the simple arrangement seems to me to fit the mood perfectly. That's really quite a song for a twenty year old. I guess I started writing at around fifteen but my journey to 'this doesn't totally suck' took quite a bit longer than yours!

"but my journey to 'this doesn't totally suck' took quite a bit longer" - those are the word choices of a guy who knows how to write...
Thanks for the nice review, Leon...