Originally Posted By: MarioD
Janice's vocal = outstanding as usual
Peter's guitar = outstanding as usual
Bud's bass = outstanding = love that walking bass. Bud you should play more often.
Mix = outstanding as usual

This is fantastic. If I heard this in a record store I would buy it on the spot.

You three are fantastic together and pro all the way. Keep those songs coming.

Thanks! It was a fun project. Bud appreciated the mention of the bass fiddle.


Originally Posted By: Robertkc
J&B and Peter,
Love the lyrics-timeless attitude!
Not being familiar with the original, I`d say this was written for Janice; a wonderful vocal.
Everything works- great edgy guitar breaks and the drum sound is felt as well as heard.
Fantastic revival work.


Thanks Robert! It's always fun to attempt a decent revival of a 100 year old tune. Glad you
felt we did it justice.