Thanks to those who tried to help, including Andrew from PG.

I have solved my problem – sort of.

After loading an all-midi song that won’t play I simply add any RT to a spare track – yes any old RT will do into any spare track.. Now the song will play as normal.
Then I mute the RT track using F5 so that it doesn’t screw up my song and bingo – the song still plays normally!!! I then re-save the song with this ghost muted RT.

I have finally learned my lesson. I have every type of style or RT that I could possibly use so 2012 is the last time I will ever purchase a new version – I hesitate to call them upgrades. I haven’t changed my equipment or configuration and nothing like this has happened in the last 20 years. Did you know that build 819 is on the way with 19 more ‘fixes’
