.. If a guitar had two mics - on in front and one in back, doesn't seem you would want that "translated" to right-left. I would think it would be more a case of having two separate mono tracks that could be balanced and EQ'd independently. But I'm a bit out of my element, ..

This is a good question in my opinion. If you could separate the left/right, pan as desired, EQ and apply FX as desired; YES, it would be better.

But RTs are created for BiaB generation which does not yet allow these options (to my knowledge) so they have to make the best call on the best solution for most users. Using two of your BiaB tracks for a guitar, two more for drums, two more for keys .. you would start getting slim on tracks pretty quick.

I do like your question, because I have a hard time explaining to others sometimes that, in some situations, it is better to split a stereo track to two MONO tracks once you get to the 'mix' stage. Much different/better control.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome