There is only one answer to songs I don't like. Write and play the ones I like. There is only one problem with that.

Who among us can play guitar like Gary Moore, Mark Knopfler, Steve Morris? Who among us can write songs like Berny Taupin? Who among us can sing like Whitney Houston? Which one of us can dance like Michael Jackson?
None of my songs are headed to the "Hot One Hundred" simply because there not good enough.

I hear everyone complaining about the cell phone thing. How far away from your hand is the one you own?

There are 34803 members of this forum and only a hand full willing to say anything.

The music reflects the times and the culture. Don't like the music? Change the culture. Stop hiding behind your avatar and make your voice heard.


New location, new environment, new music coming soon

Seize the moo-ment
If you feel like you’ve herd all these cow puns before, you probably have deja-moo