Originally Posted By: dcuny
I'm with the other commenters - nice sound, good vocals, good write.

I also agree that it's got a very retro sound, and it's a good match for the lyrics.

Nice work! smile
What can I say, I'm a retro kind of guy... I play old vintage guitars & basses thru old tweed Fender tube amps... Even my main keyboard is at least 30 years old...
grin;-) so I'm Ok with retro... as always I appreciate you listening, and your thoughtful feedback.

Originally Posted By: Janice & Bud
We had a dear friend and bandmate who was a great gypsy jazz fiddler amongst other genres.
So we have some familiarity with the feel.

As everybody has already stated everything is in the pocket.
The write, the band, the vocal and the mix all work for us.

Well done!

I know you miss your friend & bandmate, and his Gypsy jazz influence... I too, have lost many bandmate friends, it's hard, but we carry on... Thanks so much for your friendly comments, and feedback... J&B are the best...

Win-11; BiaB-2024-latest Beta;
Cakewalk; Melodyne-5; Scaler 2; NI Komplete:
Focusrite Scarlett 18i20