Thought about PM'ing, but since you asked in public, rather than PM'ing me, I'll answer here.

I thought your reply to jazzmammal was pretty rude. He used the term 'noob' in passing, making an assumption. I read and re-read his post and don't think it was agressive towards you. Your reply to him was pretty agressive. Jazzmammal may have been a little coky in his assumption, but stepped in to help, I don't think he was ridiculing you, and that comes from years of reading his posts.
So yeah, I was talking to you. Not trying to be rude in return, I did continue and try to help afterall.

What I saw was a request for help, and the first guy that tried was pretty much attacked. I've thought about it and don't think it was 'herd instinct' to protect Jazzmammal, we have a pretty peaceful forum for the most part. That type of response stood out to me. Makes the next guy a little hesitant to help <grin>

I think you did find a couple things that can be improved. The 'undo' error would need to be fixed for sure. The warning about overwriting may be nice idea. However, I'll point out again, you did have an audio track hilighted and told the program to write a midi track on that track. It just did what you said there. I hope you stick around and volunteer for beta next year. These type of things are best discussed during testing so they don't get out.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome