1. Very little of a communication between humans is verbal. The vast majority is non -verbal thus the constant misunderstandings of the written word, forum or not.

2. The attack mentality however, comes across just fine.

A) I moved my computer, ie shutting it down, and changing floors. It's band in a box vista. I was a noob. Stuff changed. I had to spend 4 hours getting things back right. Error messages, midi not working, unbalanced sounds. I feel for the new users. The machines and soundcards are all different, we have different sound cards, mics, and mixers.

It would be easier to go the Mac only route, then you'd just starve to death on the sales but have almost no frustrations with changing hardware. A lot of good work is being done by many with this software, people I see out playing, but they never visit here, or lurk, and don't complain.

It is rare to see the pit bull in the room, but it's not hard to hear the 'tone' change from "I have these problems and they can't be my fault and I demand an immediate re-write, fix with this stupid buggy software, to "I won't put up with you pro-pgmusic idiots defending a piece of crap."

You catch the fish of your choice with the bait of your choice.

As for me I'm going back to wallowing in self pity for the wife is going to work and I'm home alone again and not feeling so hot...

Of course I demand the evangelicals fix this cancer with prayer, or else. Buggy religion. Can't even extend their own average life span, despite having a pipe lne direct to God.

At least my Mom has an hour a day she's devoting to something other than complaining about he 83 yr. old body shutting down....

I'm going to get a 1/2 coffee 1/2 boost with an ice cube and ruminate. Ruinate. Wish I ate.

John Conley
Musica est vita