Originally Posted By: Al-David
Hey You Three ...

What a fabulous song and delivery. With Janice's soulful vocals (that lady was God-gifted with an uncanny ability to sing the passion of the human soul), Peter's perfect guitar, and Bud' magical knob-twisting, there's no chance this wouldn't be a masterpiece. So well executed, my friends!

I, too, have a passion for American History. I've made many trips to southwestern Virginia, East Tennessee, Hardin County Kentucky, all of Southern Indiana and just about everywhere in Missouri doing family research. Have line back to 1506! But my David line ends in Lee County Virginia - completely disappears in 1794. Oh well, keep looking. But, it has allowed me to learn so much more of the local histories of those places. I'm guessing I've visited at least 150 cemeteries since I began my quest in 1989. Some headstones go back to the early 1700s.

Anyway, I smiled all the way through this. Thanks for a fabulous listen! Best to both of you ...


Thank you Al for the every word you said about the song. And thanks for sharing your ancestry story. I (Bud) learned a lot about my fraternal line but later my DNA testing took it on another journey. Those dern “paternal events!” smile

Originally Posted By: Scott C
Another beautiful song. Janice's vocals and harmonies were excellent. Peters guitar was so delicate. Perfect for the song. Bus as usual your mastery at the console to the song to such a pro level, Well done.

Thanks Scott. It took a while to get the lyric but things came together quickly after that. We appreciate your support!
