Actually, my needs are modest. I am hoping that I wont need to jump into Cubase at all. The most I do now is export a wav from BIAB and import that into Cubase to play along with while recording my guitar.

I am hoping that I can just use the Lexicon Alpha with RealBand. Most of the time I am not even touching a fraction of what Cubase or any sequencer can do. As long as RealBand sees my Lexicon, which I didnt get time to test last night, everything should be good. I generally record "dry" and then add reverb, chorus, etc. after I have the signal.

So as long as I can do those basic things with RealBand, I will be pleased. I am doing some searches right now for the Lexicon and RealBand.

Drive has been cloned already and is put up for safekeeping.
