Originally Posted By: musocity

Install SWS Extensions for:

Added functions:
- BR_GetMidiTakePoolGUID
- BR_GetCurrentTheme
- BR_Win32_GetPrivateProfileString
- BR_Win32_ShellExecute
- BR_Win32_WritePrivateProfileString

In Reaper menu Extensions > Reapack > Browse packages.. in Filter paste js_ReaScriptAPI
right click > Install > Apply

It just sets Reaper Media > Video to use wmf for wma as priority, the latest version of Reaper my set that as defafult any way
wmf ffmpeg vlc qt:mov,qt,m4v,mp4 dshow:!mov,!mp4,!m4v,!qt

See if you have wma option in Linux else you will need to use wav or flac, wv, aiff, mp3, ogg

You will need to change the paths, there is a replace all command in the script editor to replace all occurrences.

drive = {"C","D","E","F",

filetxt = drive[letter]..[[:\bb\Data\temp.txt]]

 reaper.ExecProcess([[cmd.exe /C " cd ]] .. [[C:\\Program Files\\AutoHotkey & AutoHotkey.exe]]..

filetxt2 = drive[letter]..[[:\bb\Data\trackdata.txt]]

EDIT: also what version of Biab are you using ?

Last edited by musocity; 11/29/22 08:41 AM.