So I got home after 10 days. Down 50 pounds. Have a machine and feeding tube into my um part lower than yer stomach.

I have tinnitus so bad from chemo that I can't hear women. I swear. And most music sounds way off. I'm in a torture chamber until it goes away, and then they do it once more.

Waiting for a homecare nurse to come and hook me up and teach us how to use the pump, I have boxes full of brown stuff that has protein and other nutrients. Yum.

And I am going to have too much time on my hands, with nothing to do.

I was hoping music. Oh well, anyone have a sound card with 4 connections they don't understand running on XP?

Or want to discuss..never mind. I'll put Gravol, Morphine, and other yummy stuff in the tube about 10 pm and hope for a nights sleep.


John Conley
Musica est vita