Billy, as I am sure you know when we met BB and Robert Johnson down at the crossroads, that BB done told you: Billy the blues ain't about what you play, the blues is about what you don't play.

And if the levee is gonna break, you better not be anywhere anywhere near Orleans, cause the ghost of Stevie Ray is a voodoo chile, and you might get more black magick than you bargained for.

But if you need to get it in, just keep in between the ditches and don't bend over when they go to handcuff ya.

You'd be better off sitting in Yellow Mama if you know what I mean.

Well, I hope that about covers it.

Good piece of a song you got brewin' there. Sounds like the devil is mixed up in it, but you don't never seemed to have cared about that, and that's how you got as crazy as you already is is what I reckon.