Originally Posted By: Noel96
Hi BIABman,

I've just looked in the 2021 manual and my instructions work for your version.

Under the "Help" menu, you'll find a link to your program manual. Details about how to use bar-based lyrics are on page 165. Alternatively, the manual can be found in \bb\documentation as a pdf file. The above outline about copying and pasting text can be found on page 166 where "Amazing Grace" is used as an example.


Thanks again Noel for helping.
In my manual 165 doesn't show anything about lyrics.
But the manual does talk a lot about lyrics on other pages.

The problem is that I was not able to find a simple instruction on how do enter lyrics.
I'm looking for a printed sheet of chords and lyrics under the chords.
And lyrics that line up where I want them to line up in each bar.

Instructions such as
1. Do this.
2. Do this next.
3. Do this after that.
4. etc.
5. etc.

A BIAB user for more than 30 years (if you can believe it) !