Dan, I'm going to buy I bought the pro version and I'll find out if it's limited in the demo version, or not there at all. In my case, I don't need to transfer anything but you are correct, it would save time. EDIT: it can export an edited audio file (pitch, tempo etc.) as FLAC, OGG, or WAV file.

I have no idea why I did not know about the existence of this program. I use Transcribe now, and an iPhone app called Chord AI, for assistance in transcribing songs.

Quick Observations:

loads and analyzes a song very quickly

much friendlier user interface than Transcribe, a competitor product.

the interface looks a lot like Studio One.

more accurate for transient (short) chords than Transcribe, possibly because of the next item below

big plus: the ability to specify SNAP TO a measure, beat, eighth note etc.

supports and recognizes more complex chords than some, like minMaj7, 7#11, b13 etc. that some other programs pretend do not exist

has the expected looping, pitch and tempo controls, nothing special but again, easy to find and use

It shows tempo as the song plays, and shows one decimal place! This one relates directly to BIAB. My recording studio goes crazy with files I generate in BIAB because, even if I do not change the tempo, the tempo of an exported file 'wanders' ever so slightly. Remember, BIAB only supports integers for tempo. As I play such a file in Song Master, the metronome marking changes (for example, 153, then 154, then 152, then 154 etc.). No, it won't export this as a tempo map but it is useful info to know about my song.

Upgrade price for Pro is the same overall price whether you get it outright or upgrade; I like straightforward pricing so I don't think I'm missing something or hit a 'gotcha'

and here's one I really love: you can change the time signature. I write sambas, and it analyzed one and gave me a time signature of 4/4 with a tempo of 77; however, my song was written at twice that tempo, 154 bpm, and I want the Song Master display to match my notation, so I changed the time signature to 2/2 and it matches. Very cool; I've never seen another program do this besides BIAB (which Bobflatpicker and I requested as a feature a few years ago).

incredible customer service. I ran into a minor wrinkle registering the paid version. I had used SHOP PAY and it created an automatic login to the Song Master Aurally website account, but did not tell me the password I need to register the software!!! Bad design. I wrote to the customer support and the program creator immediately gave me instructions to reset my password, and I registered.

seemed to get confused deciding between full and half-diminished 7th chords, but that might be my audio sample; need to test further

I'm still trying to find a Con about the features. I'll report back again.

The demo times out after 15 minutes; no problem, just start the program again.

Didn't test:
anything to do with MIDI, exporting etc. since this requires a paid version. I'll be back to write more about this.

Last edited by Matt Finley; 10/16/23 11:21 AM. Reason: added more info especially about registering

BIAB 2024 Win Audiophile. Software: Studio One 6.5 Pro, Swam horns, Acoustica-7, Notion 6; Win 11 Home. Hardware: Intel i9, 32 Gb; Roland Integra-7, Presonus Studio 192, Presonus Faderport 8, Royer 121, Adam Sub8 & Neumann 120 monitors