Originally Posted by Matt Finley
I did know about Spleeter and derivatives, but I didn't think they had progressed so far.
Spleeter is especially good if you want to listen to an album without the vocals.

The old method of vocal removal relied on removing the centered audio. It would invert the left channel and sum it with the right channel. Unfortunately, it would also remove anything else that was centered.

Being able to pull out the vocals is really useful for someone like me who's trying to mix tracks.

The isolated vocals makes it easier to hear what sort of doubling and background vocals there are, and how they are balanced.

Isolated backing tracks means getting a better feel for how the instrumentation. Plus, I can finally hear all those lovely instruments that are buried in the mix! laugh

-- David Cuny
My virtual singer development blog

Vocal control, you say. Never heard of it. Is that some kind of ProTools thing?