Originally Posted by dcuny
But something that people can do - that AI can't - is understand which of their decisions are derivative, and which are not.<...>
That's a good assessment.

At least until AI becomes sentient. (Perhaps I've read too much science fiction) wink

Also, humans exhibit something called “taste” (the ability to discern what is of good quality or of a high aesthetic standard). Well, at least some do.

Example: Will this chord change sound better than this other one, in the context of the lyrics I wrote?

But for so many pop songs that use the same chord progressions, I guess that doesn't come into play. But perhaps the lyrics do. A little twist of the lyrics can make a big difference.

And even humans have their limitations. I've heard what scholars created for Beethoven's 10th symphony. They used notes and notation sch etches he had. The result sounded a lot like Beethoven's work, but paled in comparison because it didn't have the spark of creativity that he did with every symphony.

But AI is still growing. Who can predict how fast and how far? Will it someday write a symphony as creative as the masters and not be obviously derivative?

I guess we have to 'stay tuned' to find out.

I'm going to keep gigging until either it replaces me, or when Rap becomes the choice for the retirement audience here in South Florida. Then, I'll retire.

Insights and incites by Notes ♫

Bob "Notes" Norton smile Norton Music

100% MIDI Super-Styles recorded by live, pro, studio musicians for a live groove
& Fake Disks for MIDI and/or RealTracks