Not really sure what the OP is trying to say (maybe a bit of a barrier language there).
1) If the OP is trying to say that BIAB needs more variety, well, yes, I partially agree, but I don't see this as a major weakness of BIAB (on the contrary ..). Sure, more variety is a good thing, in general. But some genres are just more difficult to "encapsulate" in single tracks and/or styles. The way I see it, BIAB is absolutely perfect for country, folk, jazz, rock, blues and similar genres. And I hope to the exploration of possibilities in those genres continues. And yes, I do want and need more options within those traditional genres. There's a lot more room for exploration there, a lot left to be imagined. On the contrary genres like pop, electronic, dance and similar ones are more difficult to encapsulate. While BIAB can certainly provide more material related to these genres, and I would be glad about it, I don't think that BIAB is the optimal tool for those genres. There are other tools that are better suited, I think. I could be wrong. But I certainly welcome more variety (but not at the expense of further exploration of traditional genres).
2) If the OP is trying to say that BIAB's offering should be strictly "packaged" around genres, I strongly disagree. Genres are just subjective, fuzzy, ambiguous boundaries that help us navigate a complex musical world, and they are useful to some extent, but they should not get in the way of creating and innovating. They are a musical map, they are not the (musical) territory. Certainly they are not the most interesting part of the potential territory. One of the things that I love about BIAB is that it allows you (or even "forces" you, if you allow it ...) to easily put together things that you wouldn't mix based on traditional, stereotypical conceptions of genres. And I love that. That's when BIAB becomes a creative tool. If packs would be offered on a "genre-specific" basis, that creative potential would be somehow reduced, unless you buy everything (which would defy the purpose of genre-specific offering).
Just my 2 cents.