Thanks! I agree that if I would improve one thing it would be the instrumental part. It does add a new instrument (the piano) but it's a bit simple. My second and third track use electric guitar solos instead. Writing lyrics is what I like the most. My knowledge of music theory is still pretty basic.

Originally Posted by mglinert
I have listened to this multiple times - my thoughts are below. I recognise the time, effort and talent you have put into this. Sorry if you feel any of the negative comments are harsh or unjustified. Thanks a lot for posting the song.
Date: 30/12/2023
System: Mackie Studio monitors
Genre Soft rock
Key Am
Duration 3 30
Overall impression
I concur that there is a pretty authentic rumours era Fleetwood Mac feel to this track!
Sounds a bit like many things but not exactly like anything (which is the game in pop song writing)
All in all a terribly good soft rock composition
Song (musical structure, melody, lyric, …)
Really like the 3rd chord in the ‘A’ section. By sticking with the Em rather than the ubiquitous E, you really make this progression stand out.
In contrast I feel that the A and B sections are too similar to each other. In particular, I would have liked a different starting point to the B section.
Lyric is truly excellent – everything scans and rhymes to great effect.
Nicely controlled ending.
Lovely clear electric guitar (which is also very tastefully played) and not obtrusive either.
I would have preferred some kind of electric piano sound over the acoustic piano. (but that’s just me!)
Very cool lead vox and nicely arranged harms too.
Mix / Production
Sounds great to me
What I really liked
Chord progression in the A section.
What could be improved
I’m getting the feeling that not much is happening in the instru section at 2:27. I would simply cut it out making the track shorter.