Originally Posted by rsdean
Janice, Bud & Peter,

Rock n Blues at it's absolute best... An awesome production!

I love the way Janice comes out swinging on this one - gritty and edgy. She sings everything here with a great intensity. Really excellent.

Love Bud's production - clear and glassy with edge to match Janice's vocal. I also really love the reedy tones Peter is getting from his guitar. That's a great sound.

Just great music all around!


Bob, Janice was delighted to read your comments. I (Bud) have encouraged her to go a bit gritty every now and then so your comments were very supportive. I’ll mention also that it was all a single vocal take. We agree absolutely with your comments on Peter’s playing and I appreciate the mix comments as it went through many permutations before landing. Thank you!