Originally Posted by B.D.Thomas
Nice and catchy pop song, guys. A real toe tapper. I love those harmonies, and the production is pretty good. I'd probably put less reverb on the vocals, but that's my only (minor) nit.

B.D., glad you liked it! Yeah, I've been trying to compensate for my preference for dry-ish vocals and may have gone too far. The vox FX chain includes both a tape delay and a plate reverb. I usually increase the tape delay mix until it starts to step on the vocal, then back off a smidge. Then I'll incrementally add plate reverb until it's just barely audible. This usually meets my need for a clean sounding vocal while providing a bit of pleasing ambience. But I may have left the delay a bit heavy. This is most noticeable to me (now) in the opening section. I do spend an inordinate amount of time on the vocal FX, and never feel I get them exactly right. THANKS for the input!!

DC Ron
BiaB Audiophile
Presonus Studio One
StudioCat DAW dual screen
Presonus Faderport 16
Too many guitars (is that a thing?)