I'm sure PGMusic has been approached by music industry lawyers more than once, and I doubt they want to encourage a repeat performance. Although it may be true that an individual who posts illegal music is probably not worth prosecuting, If they felt there was sufficient evidence to implicate PGMusic in a web-based illegal file sharing scheme, they'd be more likely to push it.

If you can find a site where you are allowed to upload covers, there are probably several ways to let people hear them without implicating PGMusic or their forums in any way. For example you could email a few friends privately to let them know the URL... or you could link to an original song that exists on the same page as one cover song.. and after the vistor listens to your song, he/she may go ahead and play the cover too.

In most of the cases where individuals were prosecuted for file trading (as in Napster) the large number of songs the person was making available is what pushed it to a higher level. If you only have one cover at a time on your personal page, and you replace it occasionally, I seriously doubt if you would get nailed. But, for PGMusic's sake, I wouldn't link to that song from here. Robots can archive html links.