Line6 shouldhave a control panel.
Go in there and set the bit rate to something small for now, like 16/44
While in there look for an option to unlock the card, or it may be called 'let host take control' or something that lets the DAW control the ASIO

Also, so you know, with ASIO you can probably only have one sound app open at a time.

Go into audio area of RB and switch to ASIO, then see if the Line6 drivers show up.
If so, select them like you did peviously in MME, using 'move to top' etc

Now while in the RB audio area, set the bitrate to match the ASIO bit rate in the Line6. 16/44 in this example.

See if you have in/out using the VU meters.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome