Make the program change 92, forget about what the GM list says that program name is, the number is what counts. If you send a message to the Juno to change to 92, it will change to 92, not caring about the patch name. However, if that sound is in a different bank, then you'll be learning about how to change banks next.

Here's something you can try if you feel up to it.

Go here -

download the patchmap for the Juno-D

Rename your file in the PT folder from "patches.ini" to "patches.old"
Then name the new downloaded patch map to "patches.ini"
PT should rebuild the patch map next time you start PT and give you a message about rebuilding the patches.bin file.
and you can see if the new patch list is closer to what you have in the Di.
It may be close and just need a few names changed, or it may be way off still. But it'll show you that you can access many more than the 128 numbers in your current GM list.

If a problem occurs, close PT and rename the files back to what they were. If anything real bad happens, the originial file is available.

Last edited by rharv; 03/05/11 03:11 PM.

Make your sound your own!
.. I do not work here, but the benefits are still awesome