Originally Posted by dcuny
We called lots of things "artificial intelligence", but that doesn't make the manifestations of "intelligence".
The good news is that, so far, everyone that has contributed to this discussion has been "adults in the room".; knock on wood. Ever attend a dinner party where you are engaging someone at an intellectual level on a fascinating subject but then chaos breaks out because someone decided to bring their 10 year old twin boys who are wrestling under the tables? I have. Better for such children to play with other children so the adults can engage with one another.

Back to the subject.
If an artificial sweetner is a sweetner;
If an artificial hip is a hip;
If an artificial smile is a smile;
If artificial turf is turf;
And if artificial insemination is insemination;
Then, I claim artificial intelligence is intelligence, and this form of intelligence is getting stronger by the year. We can only guess at what has already been developed behind those thick 3 inch doors; the kind where you need to swipe your badge to get in.

To me this is reminicient of when some folk were convinced that the earth is at the center of the solar system; they were wrong.

Or "humans are the only creatures that can communicate"; wrong.

Or "humans are the only creatures that can fashion tools"; wrong again.

Note that intelligence is not equivalent to awareness, likewise intelligence is not consciousness. This may be the source of our differing views.

I've given you my definition of "create".
Care to give me your definition of "intelligence"?

BiaB 2024 Windows
For me there’s no better place in the band than to have one leg in the harmony world and the other in the percussive. Thank you Paul Tutmarc and Leo Fender.