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October 16, 2017  -  Band-in-a-Box® User Feedback - Wow!

There are so many ways to get in touch with people these days... phone, email, social networking, etc.... so of course we hear more feedback from program users these days!
...and here's what they're saying:

"I discovered Band in a Box about a year ago. I hesitated several times before purchasing it as I couldn't quite believe it was going to be as good as the hype. I eventually relented and I can honestly say, it's an incredible program and does some amazing things. As a songwriter, it's an indispensable tool and I can't imagine not having it."
-Vince C.

"I bought the first band in a box for my Atari 1040 ST and I used it for at least 10 years before upgrading to a Windows computer. After real drums, and then real tracks, came out I have upgraded every December since. The program is absolutely inspired and inspirational."
-Kirk O.

"Not everyone can find or afford real musicians to assist them when writing songs - and if working from home, as many songwriters do, there might not be room for them. Band In A Box does the next best thing and takes recordings of real musicians performing, then makes the material available pretty much in real time, in a form that adapts to your own composition by following the chord sequences. Hard to explain simply, but fairly amazing in practice."
-Steve C.

"Great tool for musicians - and the drummer keeps a steady beat!!"
-Maurice A.

"Great for learning new songs. I was weak on country rock songs and with the combination of using Riffstation and BIAB I am able to creat my own backup track for live performance and practicing songs with easier chording... Thanks PG!"
-Laurent C.

"I have it since 2001, use it all the time, great program!"
-John F.

"Thank you Band in a Box. I am a songwriter, and don't play several instruments, so I love being able to wear 2 hats and write and produce, and then later record vocals... You have probably saved me months/years on my project. Excellent tool. Thanks again!"
-Randy A.

"Didn't think I would ever go down that road but got roped into it by another muso friend, bought it and now loving it!"
-Fred P.

Let us know what you think! Post a review on our Band-in-a-Box Comments page, visit our Facebook page, or contact us directly.

Posted on October 16, 2017 01:49 PM

Entries from October 2017:

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