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November 17, 2015  -  #TipTuesday - Generate a SoundTrack in Band-in-a-Box!

If you need to generate original, royalty free music for a project (home video, slide show, ceremonies, dance routines, etc.) you should check out the SoundTrack option in Band-in-a-Box! It only takes a few seconds to generate an audio clip!

Go to Window | Generate SoundTrack to access this feature. Here you can choose a genre, style variation, which tracks to include (Bass, Piano, RealDrums), a desired duration (if one is required), whether to include a drum count-in, and more!

Once the song is generated, if you like what you hear you can save the SoundTrack as either a .WAV, .WMA, .MP3, .MP4 or .M4A file!

This feature was added to Band-in-a-Box for Windows with Version 2007.

Posted on November 17, 2015 12:37 PM

Entries from November 2015:

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