As I am using BIAB 2011 313, I am finding a few issues here and there. I am not "researching and documenting" the actual failure steps yet, but I will at some point. For now, I am just mentioning a few to see if anyone else has run into the same things. As some point in time, I will create the SGU/MGU's that exhibit these issues and send them to PGM. Sorry if I am vague, but I am getting ready for RPM and if I run into issues now, I just work around them.

1.) Assigning realtracks to the same track. I had one instance where I used one of the brent mason RT's on the melody track and then switched to a fiddle or pedal steel later on. I mute the melody until the first instrument kicks in at bar xx and unmute the melody. I have found that the mason guitar track starts way early (like 12 bars before -- it should be muted) and then parts where it should be playing are muted (ha, ha).

2.) When the program starts up, I select a SGU file (maybe too quickly) and then the screen does it's "reset" thing and the song disappears and the normal starting blank song appears.

3.) 313 seems "flakier" to me than the original 2011. I noticed some grey squares at the top of the screen (as if the screen paints incorrectly), but then that clears up.

Anyone else seen any of these behaviors? Feel free to post any undocumented quirkiness that you have run into here and then we can document more clearly later.


Now at bandcamp: Crows Say Vee-Eh @ bandcamp or soundcloud: Kevin @ soundcloud