I threw this thing together yesterday as sort of a fight song or party parody for the game in Dallas this weekend.

Used BB, then RB, and both midi and real tracks (used both Realdrums and midi drums to get a lot of noise going on). The Realdrums were Ethnic Swing. The Realtracks were #1289 Accordion, and #412 Electric Guitar.

Open to criticism and suggestion, but I already know this: It's way too "busy" in parts; The vocals are sometimes flat and could use a re-do; regional humor doesn't necessarily translate.

But hey, it's a party tune. Prompted by my Nephew Nate, who is a rabid Packers fan, but lives in Chicago, and thus has to endure all sorts of abuse. Nate is on his way down to Dallas as we speak, and just texted from Forest City, Arkansas.



p.s. It's also my first FAWM tune this year. Hopefully more to come.

Brad -- My FAWM