I would like to see:

1. The UI being cleaned up and made more accessible for those of us using screen readers and navigating using keyboard commands. This includes more closely following Windows navigation shortcuts and UI design conventions.

2. A "history" option (like in Sonar, Audacity, etc.) where one can easily undo and re-do previous changes. Curretnly BIAB only supports one level of undo / re-do.

3. Better integration with Real Band. It would be nice if one didn't have to hop back and forth between programs to take a song from inception to end.

4. An easier way to edit/enter notes - Perhaps through a line-oriented text editor. This would make sequencing easier. Wouldn't it be nice to be able to import some sort of text file to get the first cut at a tune in order?

5. I didn't find a way in the current BIAB to apply audio effects to recorded audio. Currently this can be done to the midi and real tracks. It would be nice if we could do the same with audio tracks also.