Noel ... this is great information. I see, from your perspective and presumably eventually from mine as a traditional DAW user ... RB apparently is a 'roll your own loops' program.

I'm picking up:

1. RB opens *.sgu and *.mgu files.
2. RB permits regeneration of just parts of track (as well as whole ones, obviously) ... to hone in on what you'd like to improve.
3. You can pick any instrument to create/ regenerate any track you like ... till you find the one that sounds/ fits right.

So ... have you forsaken midi to hardware or softsynth entirely?
And, are you using the audiophile pack? You mention drag n' drop *.wav files ... so otherwise you'd be drag n' dropping *.wma, right? Not talking about the dxi render midi to audio ... but the Real Tracks).

