Realband is PG's Power Tracks and Biab rolled into one software. You can use multiple DXi/VST(i) on EACH track vs a single midi output like Biab.

You can generate a new part, instrument, or whole section in RB like Biab does.

Other then those two main differences, any other midi/audio sequencing program will work fine for dropping your Biab songs into. there is a learning curve for implementing the DX/VST instruments and effects in RB. It also come with some nice plug in features as well.

Cubase is also another great program for adding FX to midi tracks etc. No need to reinvent the wheel when one is familiar with another software.

RB also uses the Audio Chord Wizard to decipher cords from a song.

The end result is a stereo wave file. There are a many roads that lead there.


Last edited by Muzic Trax; 02/07/11 07:09 PM.