'Au contraire!' ... or so I think.

Look at the RealBand 2011 video at about 11:40. You'll see that there is now an underlying midi track ... or probably more acurately put ... parallel midi track for at least some RealTrack instruments.

Presumably it shows the transposed melody lines generated from the chord/ arrangment structure used in/ by the song to generate the real track.

So you apparently can have your midi and eat it, too. If the midi track is there, you surely must be able to route it to a soft or hard synth for doubling or export the midi file for any other purpose.

While the underlying audio was recorded by real musicians in real time ... there has to be a mechanism to tell the realtrak 'engine' what key, tempo and chord progression to use in compiling the realtrack as used for a particular song. My money is that the front end ... where you enter your chords a la BIAB, is midi giving those messages to the compiling or generating engines for the audio.

Either they've back tracked and used something like Melodyne DNA to extract the midi fromt the RealTracks, or they knew the original scores for the different variations and as the program transposes them for the realtack, it generates a new midi file reflective of exactly how the midi messages tell the RealTrack generating engine to compile ... as in which variation to choose at any particular chord transition of the original song.

How else could it be?


Last edited by Prado; 02/08/11 04:48 PM.