Hi RB fans and developers,

I use Real Band for recording my piano playing so that I can tweak it slightly before putting it up on my website. I find that quantizing my recording often improves it, but it also introduces a few "bugs" that I have to fix. This suggestion addresses one of the major sources of these bugs.

When recording, I tend to rush, getting ahead of the metronome or click track. The result is that almost all of my midi events are recorded slightly before their proper position in time. The trouble is, when I quantize a track, instead of being moved forward to their proper position, some of the midi events are moved even further backward because that's the direction of the closest quantization. The resulting "bugs" become more frequent as the quantization resolution is reduced from quarter notes to eighth notes to sixteenth notes.

What I'd like to see in Real Band's Quantize function is an option to only move events forward when quantizing. If this option were offered, it would probably make sense to include similar options to only move events backwards or to move them by default to the closest quantization.

Any thoughts?
