Thanks! That helps a lot; It is now playing a MS bass but a Lounge Lizard piano. The Lounge Lizard is 32 voice multitimbral but I can't get any of the other voices to play through it right now...still, this is a big step forward! Now I need to figure out how to get a multitimbral soft synth to accept input from the different channels. There doesn't seem to be any option for that - do I misunderstand?

EDIT: No, I was wrong. It sounded like a bass, but it was actually just an electric piano playing a rather convincing midi line. I switched the soft synth to an organ and suddenly all the midi tracks were playing the organ instead. I can only get one sound out of the multitimbral soft synths at a time, and yet the MS Wavetable synth seems to work. It is strange - certainly beyond me.

Last edited by Benboom; 02/07/11 02:16 PM.