
Whoa Scott!


As with anything dealing with most instruments with strings, there's an awful lot to be gained if you are actually good with the instrument or have some kind of charisma that overcomes a lack of talent.

Surely, (or Shirley if you prefer ), I must have misunderstood that last statement! It kind of comes across as "if you like old strings, then you must not have any talent or charisma".

Exactly the opposite Bob. Please re-read. A great player can make a cardboard guitar sound amazing, because it's the player that is amazing.

New strings, old strings, middle of the road strings - has some effect but not nearly as much as the talent, or charisma, of the player.

For the latter, a case and point is Jack White, of the White Stripes. Really, not that great of a player, but his lack of care for convention and all out emotional 'playing' wins me over - and I was convinced there was no way I would appreciate him.
