
Another guitarist traded me a new Les Paul, boy was that a mistake it weighed a ton of mud tone and it never'd sounded like old country which paid the rent back then.

I hear you. I made a trade in the 70s, an old Fneder Jaquar for a 57 Les Paul. I had just repainted the Fender Jaquar at an auto body shop I was working at and I had all the chrome replated. I was in heaven. I had a true vintage classic Les Paul. Then I played it. All I got was mud. It played great but I hated the sound. And yes, it weighed a ton. I sold it for a good price at the time and went right to Manny's Music and bought a brand new Tele. I had other Gibsons as well, none of them worked for me.

Like you, I made a big mistake getting rid of that Fender. Even though it was a great trade.