Hi jazz the way Im going to work on here for writing my songs is using biab for the chord structure\styles etc and then using RB to use effects editing solos etc.When Im happy with the mix I will then mix down on to my Roland vs-880. If I then need to add harmonies or maybe a keyboard or guitar riff for me its easier using my DAW than trying to do this on computer using biab.Ive got good nearfields for putting out a final mix so having a computer that flows with biab\rb is essential.Cheers Frank

AMD Athlon 7550 dual core
processor 2.51 ghz
1 87 gb ram
windows 7 Ultimate
yamaha rev 500 effects
tacam DP-24 DAW
Samson Resolv NF monitors
Yamaha PSR-620 Keyboard
Fender semi accoustic guitar